7 Masculine Qualities Women “SECRETLY” Love In Men And Become Feminine For

Never bash, berate, or belittle women! None of that shit is a masculine quality, in fact. It is the total opposite and only proves you are a coward.

True, NO man wants a masculine female and you could not pay a male of any worth, value and decency to take one, or be with one. Just as you could NEVER pay a female to take or be with a feminine male.

Females do not know what they want and will profess over and again that they; “want a man who knows what he wants…”  They DO NOT! When confronted with the opportunity to have a guy who knows what he wants, they recoil and normally go silent…

In my blog here I will be unpacking all of this, so enjoy the read…

Craving masculine men; that is the effect of masculine men exuding an energy irresistible to women. If women ignore you, perceiving you as just another Average Joe on the street, this video is for you.

In this video, I will discuss seven masculine qualities that women love in men. Understand this: if you can embody these qualities, you will not only be craved by women but also gain an advantage over the competition in every area of life.

Number 1: strong presence.

Women crave men who exude confidence and command attention with an authoritative and leadership aura. Women are attracted to men who possess leadership qualities because they want a strong leader who can protect them.

So, how can you have a strong presence? Firstly, you need to build self-confidence. When you enter a room full of people and approach a table with calm and assertive behavior, it shows that you are comfortable in your own skin.

Having a strong presence truly attracts women because they feel safe and protected in your presence. Remember, a strong presence comes from confidence, authority, and power — qualities that women crave in men.

Number 2: strength.

Strength is one of the most powerful traits of masculinity and highly cherished by women. You can possess physical strength or the ability to overcome challenges.

Regardless of the type of strength, women hold those who possess it in high regard. If you are physically strong, women will feel safe and protected around you.

If you are mentally strong, they will see you as a man who can handle difficult situations in life. There is also a third form of strength, being strong in bed, which holds the highest importance.

If you have the power to take charge in intimate moments, women will subconsciously submit to that power. However, to possess these strengths, you must make changes in your life and let go of negative factors that make you physically and mentally weak.

Number 3: responsibility.

Responsibility represents maturity, which I will discuss further. Understand this: men who take responsibility for their actions in all aspects of life are highly attractive and respected by women.

Being responsible shows that a man is capable of making his own decisions and taking care of himself and those around him. When you exhibit responsible behavior, it demonstrates a strong sense of duty towards your commitments with your partner.

Women value nothing more than responsibility and commitment in a relationship. To succeed with women, reflect on your life and strive to live as a responsible man who can take care of himself and the one he loves.

Number 4: maturity.

Responsibility is a sign of maturity, indicating that when you are responsible enough to take care of things, you exude maturity. Women deeply appreciate mature men.

Emotional strength and the ability to handle challenging situations with grace and composure are key aspects of maturity. A mature man understands the importance of being responsible for his actions and takes accountability for his mistakes.

He makes sound decisions using his rational mind, even under high pressure, without succumbing to childish behavior. Maturity also means effective communication and providing emotional support and guidance to women when needed.

It is crucial to understand that women are not always as strong as men, and they may seek guidance and support from their partners. If you can provide that, you will earn enormous respect and love from her.

Number 5: confidence.

Confidence is a major pillar of masculinity. Without confidence, you can never reach your highest potential as a masculine man. Despite societal criticism, unwavering confidence keeps the masculine culture alive.

Confident men are sure of who they are and what they believe in, and women love them for that. Always be confident in yourself, regardless of what society tells you.

True Pheromones

Confidence not only benefits you personally but also creates a sense of connection with the women around you. When you are confident, women will crave you because you are unafraid to take risks, speak your mind, and stand up for your beliefs.

Remember, confidence is contagious, and when you exude confidence, women will naturally be attracted to you.

Number 6: purpose.

A man without a purpose in life holds no value and worth. As the saying goes, “Chase purpose, and she will chase you.” Pursuing purpose means living a life of significance, actively working towards your goals and vision.

This is where masculine men catch the attention of women. Having a purpose in life shows that men are driven, ambitious, and have a sense of direction. Conversely, if you live a life without purpose, women will hardly notice your existence.

Women want to spend their lives with men who can promise them a good future. Whether you accept it or not, this is how women measure your value and worth. It is better to have a sense of value in life than to be left in the dust.

Number 7: honesty.

You can never win a woman’s heart without being honest. Honesty shines brightly among your other personality traits. When you are honest with women, it creates a bond of trust and integrity — traits that foster long-lasting relationships.

When you are honest, she will trust you with everything. Honesty not only brings trust and integrity to your dating life but also yields positive results in other areas of life.


If you are honest with her, she will not only trust you but love you wholeheartedly. She will shower you with love like rain. Take what you have learned today and implement it in your life, and you will witness a significant change.

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Until next time.

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