Females Are Their Own Worst Enemy When It Comes To A Love Life…

Lmao!! This is PERFECT!! Heck yeah it is easier for us men!

Women, they always like to look for dudes above their level, which really aren’t, but females’ base likes on looks and remedial preferences. Then they stay single, cause the dudes they want, don’t want them!

Or even pursue them and then those females say all men are bad. Simply because they can’t get the certain type of guy, they want… again, which is way above her league.

Those dudes, the super attractive ones, know they are, just as super attractive as women do. So those guys are also looking above and past the majority of females that want them. That’s where it gets interesting though…

Women will wait for a guy to make a move, and they will not, “shoot their shot” and don’t realize that the only guys they can get, are the ones they really don’t want.

Which are the ones already swarming them, all up in their dm’s and giving all kindz of false validation to these girls. Which only is giving them a sense of abundance, that just isn’t there.

Cause the guys soaking them with attention… Only seems like weak, clingy desperate dudes to these girls and it is the dudes they don’t want.

The only reason “the best guys” are nowhere to be seen is because she’s not looking for the best guy… She’s looking for a bad boy, a punk, a hard luck story of a male.





And she’s not looking because she hasn’t thought deeply about what her best guy looks and acts like.


Men are not that stupid… we are raised by momma’s who teach us to be respectful, caring, loyal and get with a good woman who is capable and smart. So, we know when a woman comes for us, shoots her shot, she’s probably a good one out of the gate!

Dating is WAAAYYY easier for us, cause GOOD Men, are numb to rejection and keep moving to the next. We also are not controlled by weird preferences, because if we eventually don’t like her, we just move on.

Females stop themselves from even starting, lol!

What she doesn’t understand is that the only guys coming to her are those who are confident in their skills to attract her (ie “the worst guys”). They’ve done it a million times. How else does he seem to know exactly what to say?

And the guy that’s so right for her (ie “the best guys”), the guy that wants so badly to show her how great he is, is just out of sight. She doesn’t notice him though.





Women control sex, but men control relationships. If a woman doesn’t want sex, it won’t happen and so neither will a relationship. Oh, to be sure, sex will still happen.

That dude will just get it from another woman, who may in fact be chosen for a relationship.

However, if a Man wants sex… it may not happen with a fickle girl, but there is almost ZERO chance that a relationship will happen for her either.

We as men have tons more choices of women to choose from then women have males, because we aren’t limited and control if we are even going to let a female get to know us.

If one is timid and afraid to make a move for herself… There is always that, “good woman” that will!

“I’m not looking for a boyfriend.”

How many times have you heard that? While I believe that women actually mean this when they say it, I also know it’s 100% poppycock.

Here’s what they actually mean: “I’m not looking for a boyfriend….because I never look for a boyfriend. They look for me. I get plenty of attention and when the right guy comes along, I’ll be open to a relationship.”





I know I’ve heard it plenty of times only to see her boyfriend the next month appear on her Instagram.

It is a backward approach. Women don’t actively look. They sit back and wait. This is passive. You can’t and wouldn’t want to learn a language passively, get through college passively, get that promotion passively, why would you take a passive approach to your dating life?

Instead, she gets approached by the guy who’s done it a million times. He knows what to say and what not to say. He knows how to build attraction. He knows when to leave. He knows how to manipulate her.

And as always with females that make dumb ass decisions and choices. Whoever is the best manipulator wins.





Manipulation works because women don’t have a deep understanding of what they want. They’ll tell you what they want. But they’re just telling you things that sound nice to them. Things that they know they should want. Generic things.

They may know they like beards or a certain height or a funny personality, but they’re mostly oblivious to who they are a good match with on deeper levels.

2 thoughts on “Females Are Their Own Worst Enemy When It Comes To A Love Life…”

  1. Kelley OCallaghan

    I want a partner who I can build a dynasty and a legacy with . I have always been the woman behind the man ; because that is how I was raised, but I have always desired to build to be in the forefront with my partner , not behind him . For me , my wins are not as triumphant when I have no one to share them with . You are dead on as it applies to me , I “was “ attracted to the ones that are too “hot “ to keep . You know those Lil Boys

    1. You always say things that I love to hear… they ease me… I wish that more women held your values and wants as you stated in your comment here. You are a good person and any man of value will identify that and welcome you! It is golden to know that you have a partner with whom to chase legacy, dynast and the wins together, building it all together and each other equally. You truly deserve someone who will SEE you Kelley! Value you and treat you well! I am sure the rewards would be sweet! Truly!

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