How to Get Some Sex if You’re Single


How can you get some ass… or sex rather if you’re single?

Some guys might be thinking, “Well, just go pay a hooker. Give her some money, have sex with her and she’ll leave. Done!”

Well, that is good and all, definitely easy, you get to be picky and get quality and it probably is the smart; common sense move. Yet, how about having sex with a woman who really does want to have sex with you and doesn’t require you to pay her to have sex with her?

How about a woman who wants to have sex with you because she really likes you and really feels attracted to you?

Let me school you on how to get laid since you are single…



Get to a first kiss with a woman who’s into you

Prior to kissing a woman, you haven’t really secured anything yet.

You may have made a woman feel attracted to you, but sex isn’t just going to happen based on her feeling attracted to you and enjoying a conversation with you.

You have to have the confidence to get to a first kiss because after the first kiss, the dynamic changes from being flirtatious and showing interest in each other, to fucking. Or, being physically intimate with each other.

After that, the next step is to have sex and that may happen on the first night you meet a woman, the first date, second date, third date or whatever.

Personally, I don’t date unless I am in a relationship. And there is no way of knowing if I will even be in a relationship with a woman, if we haven’t fucked yet.



Look, how fast you get there is up to you and her, but if you want to get to sex, make sure that you’re not avoiding the first kiss.

It’s essential that you have the confidence to make a move and initiate a first kiss when a woman is attracted to you and showing you signals of interest.

This is where a lot of guys go weak assed wrong.

They go out to meet women and they talk to women, make them feel attracted and then don’t do anything about it.

In many cases, the woman goes away feeling rejected and disappointed.

There was clearly a spark between her and the guy, but nothing happened. Not that the woman couldn’t have also got up and made a move herself! However, even though more and more women claim to be strong, independent, fearless… they are still weak asf, when it comes to going after what they want, or want sexually.

Anyway, he was talking to her, they were getting along, they were attracted to each other, they were flirting, it was an enjoyable interaction and she was showing him signs of interest, but he didn’t do anything about it.

He ended up walking away and nothing happened.

So, if a woman is attracted to you and she is showing you signs of sexual interest, then have the balls, spine, confidence to make a move and initiate the first kiss.


After the first kiss, there will then be a sexual dynamic between you and her and it will either lead to you having sex on the first night, on the first date or second date or whatever.

You and her will be both be feeling sexually tuned based on after the kiss and you’ll both want something to happen.

So, if you’re talking to a woman who’s attracted to you and she’s showing you signs of sexual interest, then make sure that you have the confidence to initiate a first kiss so you and her can then take things to the next level after that and get to fucking!



Help a woman to bring out her sexual side around you

Say for example you are at a bar, a nightclub or a party and a song comes on and the woman says, “Oh, I love this song.”

How can you bring out her sexual side so she starts to show you that side of herself and want to be more sexual with you?

When she says, “Oh, I love this song,” you can say something like this, “Cool, I like this song as well. Let’s dance. Come here, show me your moves.”

If you had been making the woman laugh, relax, open up and showing you her easy-going side prior to that. Then she’s going to be happy to have a dance with you in that moment.



If she hesitates, you can just say something like this, “Come here, don’t be shy. Let’s enjoy it, this is a great song.”

Of course, with most women, you won’t have to add that in.

She said that she loved the song, which is usually followed by the woman wanting to dance to that song.

You know what women are like, so capitalize on the moment and get her to dance with you.

Tell her to show you her moves, which in most cases is going to bring out a woman’s sexual side.



She’s going to want to show you that she can be sexy and she’s going to want to enjoy herself and let her hair down in that moment, while dancing to a song that she really loves.

Now, once you start dancing with her, you don’t need to pull off any amazing moves.

Most guys out there aren’t great dancers.

You may be a great dancer; I’m not.

Yet, that never stopped me from having a ‘dance’ with a woman at a bar, party, nightclub or an event with a dance floor.

All you have to do is basically stand there and move with the woman, just have a bit of rhythm.

Before you know it (if you and her are body to body, enjoying each other’s company and she’s feeling attracted to you), then you and her are going to start kissing… and what happens after kissing?

It usually leads to some ass that night.

So, go ahead and enjoy yourself!

She’ll love it.



Women Really Do Want Sex, But They Don’t Always Make it Obvious

One final point that I want to make for you is that in many cases, it may seem like women aren’t even interested in sex.

However, they really do want to get to kissing and sex just as much as we do.

The thing is though, in most cases, women have to approach the process of getting to sex differently than men.

For example: When a woman meets a man and is hoping to get herself a boyfriend, she wants to be able to show him that she’s not that easy.

She’s not a woman that goes around trying to get sex.

She’s a woman who can control herself and if he would get into a relationship with her, he would be able to trust her because she’s a woman who doesn’t go around trying to get sex.


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Some guys go through life never really understanding why women behave in the ways that they behave, but once you understand it, it’s all very simple and easy.

Women do want to have sex, they want to get to a kiss, they want to have fuck, they want to fall in love, they want to have a relationship, but they go about it in a different way to men.

So, as long as you understand how the process works, you simply have to walk up to women that you feel attracted to, make them feel attracted to you, connect with them and then take things to the next level.

When you approach it in that way, you’ll find that getting sex when you’re single is very easy because women want it too.


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