How To Stand By And Treat That GOOD WOMAN Right, That DESERVES It

When it comes to her…

Don’t try to limit who she is, who she wants to become, or what she is capable of achieving. Embrace her individuality and her passions and encourage her desires and her goals.

Run beside her as she chases her dreams, but never try to tame her or fit her into a box. That’s not real love and is in fact beta mindset and misogynistic. Understand that she’s not perfect, even on her messy disaster days when she cries for no reason.

But it’s that gritty imperfection that makes her the wonderful soul that she is; A lover, a dreamer, a lady, a partner. A fighter, a soulmate, a survivor… If you accept her for all her flaws.



See her for the beautiful woman she has worked hard to become, embrace her for the person she is and she’ll love you in ways you’ve never experienced: Faithfully, passionately, soulfully and sensually.

Love her for the magnificent person that she is, protecting her as the delicate but powerful heart she has. Care for her as the soulmate that she can be and walk with her for the companion that she will always be.

Foster an environment of comfort in your life together so that she can be all the whore she wants to be in y’alls bedroom but is never made to feel like one. Listen to her desires, her fears, the whispers that escape from her darkest places.

Dive deeper than the others did and unravel her gorgeous mysteries. And love her completely, without judgment and condition, each and every day. Lift her up and help her spread her wings, just as much as you will spread her legs.

Know that to love her is to understand her, appreciate her, crave her, respect her. And then you’ll finally begin to see the complexity of her beautiful depths. 

She’s a versatile creature of multiple talents, personas and abilities. She’s more than a woman, a lady or a lover. She’s the love of your life and the fire for your heart.

Hold on tightly to those glimpses into the beautiful soul of her, for in those moments you’ll finally begin to understand who she really is. And you’ll realize the wonder and true nature of a good and deserving woman…

She’s magical, she’s feminine, she’s one of a kind, and most of all. If you treat her right, love her fully and appreciate all that she is and does. She’ll always be yours and you’ll be glad she is.


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