I just don’t get it! I have a few Guy friends that act like were all still in College! They find it so easy to just go out and fuck a chick from Match, backpage or any bar in town. I look weak to them and other guys I guess. I got married out of College and was with the same woman for 15 years; married 12. I missed a lot of the dating stuff. Yet I was happy being a Husband and Father. I am a suburbanite and I love domestication. Being single sucks, cause I feel lost, lonely and dying most of the time. Why can’t I be more like most of these Guys that don’t need the connection, passion even the chemistry to just take strange women to bed and move on like it’s no big fucking deal?!

Why cant I be Charlie Sheen like? These Guys have it all!

I tried the FWB’s thing… That worked for 7 months, but then when my dumb ass catches feelings… She runs. My own shortcomings are killing me slowly. I continue to pray though that God will take me out of the valley and deliver me to my future. And I hope she is wonderful, loving and loyal. We can be golden!!

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