Somewhere out there, in the greater cosmos and obviously far from here…

There is a whole civilization, perhaps on an unimaginable scale and incomprehensible by us humans. Of advanced intelligent machine life. Machine beings…





Not machines as we know machines, or artificial intelligence as we currently know it… Something far more advanced, far beyond our wildest imaginations!




This civilization of intelligent, complex machines… far beyond our understanding and comprehension, may even be billions of years older than us and even our own, entire galaxy.





They may very well possibly be the dominant species, in a galaxy that was formed billions of years ahead of our own. With technology and advancements that would seem and appear as magic to us…


And thus, they have had at least 13.8 billion years of advancement.

Over the very short 200 thousand years, that mankind has been here on earth.  Even the dinosaurs reigned on our own world for 65 million years. And us, again just existing for about 200,000 years. 



They would most likely be so advanced as a technological society.


That they may have even colonized, settled and are spread out by the multitudes, throughout their own galaxy entirely.



And with that realization, they may also have the single, sole purpose and technology. To reproduce themselves by the trillions, non-stop and perpetually forever. They ar machine life… They don’t need sleep, food… things that we do.

All with just the agenda, mandate… and mission if you will.

Of universal expansion, exploration, pursuit of unending advancement, colonization and survival across our whole galaxy!



Let’s pray that they never come to be aware of us or turn their attention to us!

– Booker





In summation… In the 1900’s it was Morse code by wire. 2022, it is smart phones, far more advanced than anything we ever saw on Star Trek in the 1960’s. 2025, the dawn of A.I.



And so, the age of smart phones connects the whole planet in mere seconds.





The generations of midcentury to come (the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond) will live in a time where A.I. evolves rapidly and unending and is part of life as we will know it.  Then and forever.


Nanotechnology and bio tech has long since replaced what will soon become ancient, outlived and outdated smart phones.



The same way as the VHS, or Atari video games of last century did and fell into history…

Believable or not, it’s all just science fiction. Until it isn’t!







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