A person that has been single for too long has been changed and may very well no longer be viable in a relationship.

However that person has almost zero, no awareness of this change within themselves whatsoever.

Often a person of this unfortunate affliction will retreat into a self-induced psychosis, of maligned and dubious justifications of; not enough time for a relationship or companionship.


Or that their financial or personal domestic situation is not ideal at the time. They hide behind a self-comforting veil of assorted and varying excuses. Such as; needing their children to be a sole priority and that there is no room to consider anything more.

Or it will affect their kids in some negative way, or themselves because they feel they are broken inside in some way. They tend to justify laziness to themselves such as; they are waiting on God, and the right one will come along one day.

Even though they have shut down and put up walls. To keep anyone that comes along, or tries with them. To even be discovered if that person is the right one, or from God.


Or, as soon as some certain situation gets better, they will be right back in the saddle. Or even that they don’t want to upset their kids or family by introducing someone new… The excuses are never ending at this point.

All the while these people have lost sight of the fact that every day we lose 24 hours from our life clock. And that they do not in fact have countless years to live, loose, learn, love and live an active life again.

All of these ailments become engrained within them over the duration of their self-prescribed solitude. And start to change their reasoning, emotional health and acceptance on numerous levels.


So that when these people actually find themselves back in a “promise” of connection, involvement or a relationship. They now cannot survive the PH or environment, of what could be a promising union.

Small, yet adverse mannerisms and behaviors have now consumed them to a very unhealthy degree… Examples of this are things such as; sharing a bed, cohabitating, intimacy, verbal and physical communication, time shared together, so on and so on…

They are now at a point where they can’t sleep effectively when another occupies a bed with them and tries to even do something as simple as sharing covers on a bed. Things like eating, cooking, watching tv together…


Small things that over time is now hard for them to share with another person. And be involved with them in close proximity, without feeling invaded, smothered or manipulated into expected compromise in some way. They now have guarded boundaries…

There are many more characteristics, that I am not gonna type forever here forever about, but you get the gist. These people should not be dated or involved with in anyway, as they are no longer viable in a relationship or considerable for one.

A human that is happy being alone or single, will be happy not being in a relationship for long as well. And will be quick to run… Often they will find ways to run and pull back before a relationship even begins.


As they have grown so cold inside now, that they no longer see a relationship with another person as a vital part of their well being. But more of a nuisance and unnecessary burden,

And you must ask yourself… If they aren’t concerned with their own health in the most basic and primal sense, would they ever be concerned about yours?

Of course not. They have stayed uninvolved, single and unromantically connected to anyone for way to long now.  Move on and avoid them… It will only end in disappointment, before it ever even really gets a chance to begin.

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