People Become Extraordinary, We’re Not Born That Way

Sometimes I have a hard time seeing many of the amazing people from the Bible as anything other than complete saints or sinners.


I don’t imagine them as average people, yet most of them were. Yes, David rose from the position of a humble shepherd to become God’s chosen king.


Yes, Solomon possessed wisdom no scholar of his era could hope to attain. But most of the people who became extraordinary were poor and unknown.





Think of Mary, a teenager from a backwoods place like Nazareth, carrying the Son of God in her womb; or Gideon, a man hiding from his enemies when the Lord called him to action.


Yet because they and many others “responded in the proper way,” their lives became extraordinary. The same is possible for each of us, if only we’re willing to let God work in and through our lives.


Growing day by day in humility, Christlike love, and faithfulness to his calling. To gain deeper insight about this and ruminate over more of my thoughts. Visit another one of my blogs at; Acts Of God.


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