Reasons Why It’s Not Too Late To Change Your Life


If you feel like your time to make something significant of yourself has passed, give me a few minutes to show you why it’s not too late to change your life.


People go through constant change for the entirety of their lives.

No person really remains the same.

But how you change and in what directions you choose to go, well, that depends on you. And the thing is, it’s never too late to change your life, and these are reasons why.



What if this is it for me?

This is one simple question that makes you realize you don’t actually believe it’s ever too late. So ask yourself this:

What if this is it for you? What if it’s all downhill from now on?

Does the question make you feel uncomfortable? Does it stir something inside you?

If it does, then it means that, deep down, you believe there is more to the story than what’s been said so far.

There are more things you need to do or want to do.

There are more things you want to see and experience.

Life has more in store for you, and you know it.

That’s the first reason it’s not too late to change.




Change is gradual

The next thing you need to be aware of is that you don’t need to wait a certain time for the change to happen.

And that’s because change is gradual.

It happens little by little, every single day.

It’s a constant stream of improvement.

It starts today, and every day from now on is part of your new, changed life.

You get to reap the benefits instantly because you decide to be a new and improved version of yourself.

Which brings out the question: Well, what does this new version of you look like?

Like, really think about it and be specific.

  • How is the new version dressed?
  • What do they do in the mornings?
  • What do they eat?
  • How do they behave around people?

The more questions you ask, the better image you will have. And what’s left to do is act like that person right away.



You have until the rest of your life, anyway

The past is the past; it cannot be changed and must be accepted as it is.

If anything, it made you into a person who decided they wanted more from life, and that’s a good thing.

And you have until the rest of your life to do it. It doesn’t matter what you have done so far.

The only thing that matters is what you decide to do moving forward.

Your best work might be in front of you

What if the best year of your life happens next year?

Or five years from now?

Or 10 years from now?

What if your best work is waiting for you to get there?

You see, these are not empty questions.

These are in fact answers to the question “What will happen if I decide to change my life for the better”.

Your best work can very well be in front of you if that’s what you decide.

Today’s strangers might become tomorrow’s best friends if you nourish them. You see, you are the only one who can make that happen.

And it’s a reason to be excited about it.



Time moves on regardless of what you do

It’s not like if you decide to stay the same, you somehow get more time.

Just like when you say you’ll go to the gym for the next 3 months, but you don’t, and those 3 months pass either way.

And there you are, looking back at those 3 months and realizing that time has moved past you.

Think about it like this: if today is too late, what would you say a year from now?

I guarantee you that a year from now, you will wish you had started today.

You deserve a better life

You get to decide what’s enough for you, not other people.

And it’s within your power to give yourself a better life, because you go through it and you deserve it.

You had to deal with the doubts, with the naysayers, and with the challenge and discomfort of going through change.

So if there is anyone who deserves a better life, it’s you.

And you have a duty to give it to yourself.



You compare your early game with others’ end game

Most people think they can’t turn their lives around because they compare them with the lives of others.

If you’re 40 and you want to achieve something others achieved at 30, what’s the point anymore?

That’s the wrong approach because you are comparing your early game with others’ endgame.

You don’t know their circumstances or their upbringing. You don’t know their unseen struggles or their yet-to-be-achieved dreams.

As you may have noticed, I’m a big believers in playing your own game.

There is no season where everyone is expected to blossom. And who sets those expectations anyway?

Your parents? Your peers? Society itself?

When something should or should not happen, it is arbitrary. There is no system behind it.



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Mindset change works at any age

If your brain is a supercomputer, your mindset is the operating system…  your mindset dictates how you view the world.

Notice that it doesn’t dictate how the world is. Just how you view it.

A scarcity mindset, for example, will make you believe there is not enough for everyone, not even for yourself.

There is not enough time, there are not enough resources, there is not enough energy, and so on. It’s a draining operating system that sucks at your brainpower and doesn’t give anything in return.

On the other hand, a growth mindset, for example, makes you believe that anything can be achieved if enough effort is put into it.

This type of mindset gives you a choice. Will you put the effort in or not?

And you see, the beauty of mindsets is that they can be installed at any point.

There is no expiration date or requirement



One skill can turn your life around

This one requires you to really think about the following question: What skill, if learned, will completely change your life?

It’s a simple question with a powerful answer. For example, how would your life change if, let’s say, next year you acquired the skills of a Michelin-starred chef?

What about a pilot? An interior designer, maybe? An architect?

You see, this question has an answer that is just right for you.

You just need to ask yourself and answer honestly.

One skill can really turn your life around.

One decision can change your life

Have you ever thought about the fact that you are most likely one decision away from a completely new life?

You just don’t know what that decision is yet.

Think about your future as a tapestry of interwoven threads.

One of the threads is the life you’re currently living. And every other thread around it is the consequence of each decision you make.



And in that chaos, there is one line that has your dream life on it.

Everyone has one. The question is, will you find it?

Age is not a timeline

Let’s answer the most common question when it comes to changing your life. Is it too late?

And the answer is: That’s the wrong question to ask.

You see, age is not a timeline; it’s a measurement of how long you’ve lived so far. It acts more as a guideline than a milestone.

The correct question is, should I keep living life like this?

If the answer is no, then it’s the perfect time to make the simple realization that it’s not too late to change your life.



Today is the youngest you’ll ever be

And speaking of time, this one really puts things into perspective.

You will never be as young as you are right now.

At the moment you are reading my blog, you are at your youngest.

You’re like a baby in the context of the rest of your life.

So now it’s the perfect time to make things happen so you get the benefit for the rest of your life.

You’ll probably live longer than you think

There are two truths that coexist when it comes to time.

  • You don’t have as much of it as you think.
  • You will probably live longer than you think.

The first one makes you aware of your own mortality.

Every day has a probability of being your last. So make the most of each one.



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The second one is a reality check.

We are, after all, living in the modern age, with modern medicine and care. Your 60’s are the new 40’s.

From this perspective it’s even clearer that it’s not too late to change your life. There is a high probability you’ll live way longer than you think and live well too.

You can think of it as a gift from progress and innovation.

So make the best of it.

Changing your life isn’t as scary as not living your dream

I know change looks daunting and terrifying.

And that’s because there is great comfort in familiarity.

And that comfort breeds anxiety about change. You fear leaving the things you have experienced because it will make you vulnerable.





It’s one of the most common fears humans can experience. But would you rather experience fear for a while or dissatisfaction forever?

The answer to this question alone should convince you that it’s not too late to change your life.

It’s not about getting time back

A long list of empty “yesterdays” makes you feel like there is too much to catch up.

But changing your life doesn’t mean trying to make up for all the time you lost.

It’s about changing all the time you still have.

You see, every hour you spend, you are not getting back. The only thing you get are the benefits or consequences of what you did in that hour.

And that will stay true until your very last one.


Life is meant to flow

The natural course of life is a continuous flow in a direction that has the potential to bring joy and happiness.

It doesn’t stay stagnant. Even if you believe you will never change, things change around you constantly.

The cities look different, people are dressing differently, and pretty much everything around you slowly but surely gets a bit different every day.

So if change is constant, make it work to your benefit.

I hope these were enough to change your mind and convince you that it’s really not too late to change your life. If somehow they weren’t, keep your eyes on my blogs.

#alphalife #savage #winning 




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