Like attracts like…
Knowing that I am the prize. I’m the one of value, shit to offer and leadership and masculinity… the one that can provide a life… Why do these misinformed, confused, broken, false validated and uber feminism charged, handsomely masculine wayward females. Keep telling me about the ran thru, fallen out, salted meats in their pants?
I mean, what else you got lil miss? Can ya cook rice? Can ya wear a dress? Do ya know how to clean? What separates you from the next, filtered face, Onlyfans dreaming other landwhales out here, smh?!! I know it’s tuff out here for these lil females to get a man of worth these days but come on! Stop expecting to be saved and be able to eat by selling pics of ya basic feet, filtered mugs and bloated bottoms, lol… Most of y’all have been single for ages and will remain that ay. Take that blown out hot pocket ya got and the looking for the guys way above your level, entitled delusion you are suffering from; cause those guys on those levels above you… are not looking down at you.
We are looking at WOMEN, above our own level and obviously well above yours! Stay on your own level and go get ya a good ole, fuckboy, bad bot, loser cuck. Those dudes need some place to live and somebody to feed them ramen and black n mild’s. They’ll love ya, be loyal and provide for ya! lol!! 

Ya just don’t get it, smh…! 

Some delusional chicks will say they want the “right one” when they themselves are not the right one. She will say; she wants a guy over 6ft. that makes over 6 figures, that has a 6 pack… on and on. What the heck is the guy getting though? What’s in it for him? What does she offer?

You see, 10’s attract and are attracted to 10’s. Not just looks of 10, but financially, lifestyle wise, career wise, emotionally, educationally, views, experiences, cognizance and social status… The same girls that have been chasing attention and getting tons of validation. From beta males and fuck boys, that they will never be with. Have allowed all of that, mostly false validation (usually from pics alone) go to their heads. Then as a result of it, they then feel like they are some sort of celebrity, porn star, or socialite. In reality though… they have become jaded, delusional and just, odd.

Now, being the same old, everyday, girl next door… they have come to feel that they have so many different options (which they do), they can pick and choose and work and play all of them. Even though they know these poor dudes are just beta orbiters, providing them with undeserved, pathetic attention. While holding out for the perfect guy, that 10, Mr. right! But see, here is the thing… Mr. right is fully aware of where he is on that scale and his status as a 10, or even just a handsome guy… He uses nor has no filters, makeup, body parts and hair to mask behind. So an alpha male that is a 10, is not looking at these types of females, that are basically 5’s, 6’es, 7’s, or even 8’s underneath the filters, animal stickers, aerial shot selfies that hide their bodies and hanging guts. He is looking at women above HIS level! The women that he feels are out of his league, not females that look like 4’s, trying to hide under filters and pretend they have something to offer. That is more than he can get from anywhere else.
These odd girls though, now believing they are holding out for that guy that is out of their league. Are convinced that they themselves are on that level of 10’s also. In fact however, they need to be looking at guys on their level, which is not a 10. Those 4’s, 5’s, 6’es, and 7’s guys, that would actually consider being with them and staying with them for more than just some quick ass, until the next IG wannabe celebrity, or Onlyfans $3 memberships star comes along.
Ready to gobble up all that fake validation and generously given attention, till her panties drop as well.

Surprisingly, a good number of these odd gals, may actually get a guy out of their league, one of us 10″s to give them a shot. But then after a few hours, days or weeks, that mask and filtered deception will no longer be hidden and unknown. And she will feel unworthy of that guy, will see the differences in energy, spirit, thoughts, lifestyles, interest and views… She will feel undeserving and suspicious of him, as she knows the truth that she just doesn’t look so hot without all the filters, hair, implants, eye brow art, eye-lashes and such. Yet he, is still the same! He will feel deceived and he will feel ready to dodge a bullet! She may cheat, he will move on and go back to the women that are in his league. As she… lil miss attention addict clearly is not and never was!

Waiting and wanting the right person? BE the right person! Like attracts like! You can’t fake your way into being a 10, or fake your way into confidence, intelligence or experience and it will be easily recognized when you are busted and that person dumps you and moves along quickly! Focus on actually becoming a 10 and do the inner work! Stop chasing attention, and parading yourself like a farm animal at an auction. No smart guy of value, purpose or integrity is buying. We are males though… so if someone offers us a free hamburger, regardless of the level and quality of the meat. Many weak males, fuck boys, bad boys and clowns, simply and unfortunately don’t know any better, than to eagerly eat it!
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.