Signs Of A Low Value Man

Low value men are parasitic in nature. They are a liability to everyone, including themselves.
Meaning they take more than they give or are able to produce.


Now, just a reminder here – when you use the word “value” you’re using it in the sense of the valuable skills and attributes a person brings to the table – not their intrinsic value as a human being.


In this article I will spotlight signs of a low value man.


And when it comes to skills and attributes – Nobody looks up to a low value man! Some men never live, they’re just alive and then they die!

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of what a low value man is. They are a combination of everything on this list.


The goal of this article is not to shame or degrade, but to be a brutally honest, cold shower. That will wake you up and make at least one of you make something of yourself.


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Bottom 25% of earners

When it comes to the social hierarchy, Men are ranked based on money and status! Because that’s how society measures impact.

The more valuable you are, the more value one will accrue.

Low value men have none and they find it incredibly difficult to accrue value. Low value men can not even support themselves usually so they are in practice of leeching off others.


They live with their parents into their 30s if not older. They are reliant on others for food, clothes and basic necessities. Mommy still cleans his underwear and gives him money to go out.


These are the people who would rather be on welfare than get a job. Low value men are always looking for unearned money!


Even when they get their hands on some money, it never sticks around. Money doesn’t like being with low value men so it leaves them easily.


You’ll often hear them mention how everyone rich is a crook, while they’re on their way to buy a some dope, a lottery ticket and a 6 pack.

There’s no nobility in low-value, but there’s nobility in discipline and hard fuckin work.

Being a plumber, work construction or even waste management makes you a lot higher value than these people.

Everyone respects someone who’s working, no matter what they do. And before some of you pat yourselves on the back:

Money from illegal activities disqualifies you.


Onlyfans, drug sales, pimpin… are not careers or jobs! It doesn’t matter if you’re in the top 10% of earners if your money is shady and you can’t step into the light.


Going to jail or not being able to take pride in your work disqualifies you from the game of life.


Even if you win the money game, you’re still a loser, no matter what you tell yourself at night, because you weren’t able to do it without cheating, hiding, stealing or killing.


Unhealthy and weak

Low value men are Physically and mentally weak. This has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with your effort.

You can be the ugliest man in the world by conventional standards – if you work out, have a healthy and clean body, dress decently and improve your personality, your value to the marketplace increases.



Low value men choose to be unhealthy. Your health & your body are a reflection of who you are! And before you say “it’s what’s on the inside that matters” – if the inside is strong enough, the outside will improve, the same way a plant grows stronger if the soil is good.


They don’t even like what they see in the mirror but reject society for doing the same thing. Low value men don’t understand how the world works.

Taking care of yourself is a minimum requirement if you want to be part of society, not a choice.


That’s why you wash before entering public spaces.


I try really hard to ground all my blogs in data and statistics because they reflect the real world without my personal bias…


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Here’s something interesting I found out:

Women rank men differently than men rank women.

Here’s the data from OkCupid, one of the largest if not stupidest waste of time dating sites in the US.


Only 0.3% are considered most attractive, based on physical appearance alone. While men rank women with a proper bell curve, when you flip the coin you realize that half the men are considered less attractive, because half the men aren’t even trying.


This data helps you understand the world you’re actually living in and if you want to become competitive you need to start taking this seriously.



These are not just the beta males, they’re at the end of the list. No body is talking to them!


Low value men are simps and incels. They despise women and everyone for not liking them just the way they are, when in reality there’s not much there to like.


You are not born a low value man, you become one by negligence, laziness and choice.



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 3 Abusive and controlling

Their parasitic behavior spreads out through all elements of their lives. They are emotionally abusive and manipulative.

If they find someone weaker than them they might even be physically abusive and controlling.


Low value man are the kind that think: If I can’t have you, nobody can! Because they are so low on the social ladder they’re desperate to feel any kind of power.


They are both desperate and insecure in life. Exposing their insecurities either shatters them or makes them explode.


They’re secretly afraid everyone will abandon them so they are willing to threaten physical violence.

That’s why these low value men lash out. That’s why they are pathetically jealous, there’s no substance to them and they’re scared everyone else will notice.


Everything is triggering to them. They are being triggered by my blog right now for calling them out.

Low value men are usually products of broken environments which “they” never fixed.

They’ve never gone to therapy. They’ve never tried to fix themselves.


If you never heal from what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you!


Which brings me to this next point…


Not a father to his children

They’ve never had a proper father to teach them how to be a man, how to provide and protect, how to find who you are and work towards building something of yourself.



With them the cycle continues, because he failed to teach himself how to be one.

Low value men bring children into this world and then abandon them.

They lack the responsibility of taking care of their offspring. “But Larry, what if it was an accident?”


There are no fucking accidents. You chose to have sex without a condom.

That’s a choice you’ve made – clapping the cheeks and temporary pleasure were more important than your long term plan.

Even your pull-out game was weak!

Actions have consequences.

You can’t pretend that it didn’t happen and sail off into the sunset.

Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away! That’s not what an average or high value man does.


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You wanted to have sex without a condom, now pay child support mother fucker!

Nobody’s saying stay in situationships, relationships or marriages that aren’t mutually beneficial.

But if as a man you choose to walk away, you must take responsibility for your child.

Your mistakes are expensive, but hey, since low value men can’t even provide for themselves.

It’s hard to expect them to care for someone else, even if it’s their own child.

This is why society looks down on them. Not only are they unable to care for their own child, but they’ve sabotaged a woman’s ability.

To build a family without so many complications for her moving forward.




 Low IQ, EQ and No Personality

These people have the IQ of a rock, the emotional intelligence of a shoe string and the personality of the color grey.

If your IQ is under 85 you fall in the bottom 16% of the population.

Once again, here’s what the data looks like:


Above 145 Genius or near genius
130 – 145 Very superior
115 – 130 Superior
85 – 115 Normal
70 – 85 Dullness
Below 70 Borderline Deficiency

But IQ isn’t everything.


There are plenty of not so smart individuals that have achieved success and recognition. Empathy, emotional intelligence and having a great personality matter more than your ability to solve complex puzzles.



They’re never specifically invited anywhere, they’re always the +1. Low value men are bad company!

Nobody wants to be around them.

They don’t have anything interesting to say because they never do anything interesting.

They make you feel uncomfortable.

They’re not even fun to hang out with. They’re miserable and misery is contagious.


Lazy, Unmotivated and a burden to others.

You see them do nothing.

Low value men are passive. Life happens to them not because of them.


They are content with living just to get by, even if they’re unable to do it on their own.

Very often you hear from them when they try to borrow money.


They make a big drama about being in a life or death situation when in reality they waste money on junk, alcohol and smokes.

Low value men are pros at wasting time and procrastination.

They screw things up, even when opportunity is presented on a shiny, silver fuckin platter!


Somebody gets them a decent job and they fail to do the bare minimum, reflecting poorly on the person who got them in the door.

Lazy fucks is what they are…




Unlucky and can’t catch a break.

You hear them all the time  sounding out about how they’re going to catch a lucky break.

If only it would come sooner. All of them think they’re going to be millionaires someday, but for now need to borrow some money for smokes or gas.


He loses money betting. He hasn’t won the lottery yet. Is it him? Of course not, the low value man considers himself unlucky.

You see, the low value man is always chasing but never catching.

They’re always telling you about their next play, their next moves, but you’ve known them for years and they haven’t done shit.

It’s all talk, no action. Low value men think they have potential. Hate to break it to you, but potential isn’t worth anything without action.



Luck has to find you working! The harder you work, the luckier you become!


Envious and dishonest

Low value men will lie, they will cheat, they will stab their friends in the back. They look at what others have with envy.

They’re not inspired by other successful men, they’re jealous and resentful.

Choose inspiration over envy.

They’re the ones spewing hate while the other party ignores them. You see, Low value men are invisible.

Nobody knows about them, you look through them.

You don’t give them your time, because time is valuable and they’re not worthy of it.

Low value men always want other people’s time to serve their own interests, they feel almost entitled to it.


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Because of their insecurity, they will try to bring others down so they at least feel they’re at the same level.



The only reason low value men try to bring others down is because then they are above them!


 9 Always surrounded by other low value men

Just take a moment to look at the squad. They’re all just different versions of the same low-value individual.

They’ve been completely directionless all their lives.

It’s funny how everybody knows you are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with yet, they still hang out with low-value people.



This is one of the biggest traps in life. Low value men chaining other low value men. This way if you’re all at the same level nobody feels like they screwed up in life.


You can tell someone is low value and trying to trap you at their level because every time you tell them your goals and plans for the future, about the fact that you want more from life –


They’ll always tell you it’s impossible, that it’s hard, that you don’t have connections. They’ll try to pull any reason whatsoever even make up one if they have to for you to not even try.


Every time you try to get better, they’ll pull you back in.

Most low value men struggle with different forms of addiction. Low value friends will be the ones offering you one more hit after you said you quit.


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In some cases this might be even closer to home. Maybe your family is like that.

The only way to escape it is to cut the chains and move away from them.



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10 He never invests in himself

Some men are low value because they fail to invest in increasing their value.

They don’t invest in education or skill training.

They don’t invest in their health, they don’t invest in their image, they don’t invest in relationships.


Whatever money they have, they spend, that’s why you see them living paycheck to paycheck, or on borrowed time.


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Low value men will end up on my article because someone else sent it to them as a wake-up call.

You’re not going to find low value men reading a Booker’s blog article’s on a Sunday, they’re too busy doing nothing.


They’re not willing to invest time. They’re too lazy to invest effort and you sure as hell won’t see them invest money!

 11 Stuck in the same place he started

The low value man is nothing but consistent in his mediocrity. You’ll find him in the same place you left him 10 years ago.



He was born in a here in Louisville or some other small town, he will die in the same small town.

Last time you saw him he was hanging out on the corner block with his crew, he’s still doing the same shit now.


The low value man does not evolve, he just gets older. He’s doing the same things, because that’s all he knows how to do.

In some cases he’s even been to rehab, jail or prison and once he’s out he immediately gets back to the old fucked up habits.


These guys are usually obsessed with mafia movies and think of themselves as Tony Montana, Tony soprano, or Michael Corleone.

A man’s value is based on his ability to craft his own destiny!

Time will pass by fast so you can’t let it slip by.


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If in 5 years you’re still dealing with the same problems you’re dealing with right now, that’s on you!

 12 Blaming others & Beyond Entitled

Low value men will get angry if you don’t sacrifice yourself for their benefit. These men are so self absorbed that they believe the world needs to serve them.


There’s the toxic male equivalent of the manifestation chicks.

He makes absolutely no effort for his life to improve yet complains that he can’t find a girlfriend.

His expectations are that somehow through magic he could summon one.

Waifu no Waifu, stalking high-school classmates on Instagram.


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And with an addiction to the black-white-and-orange, he’s unable to form a human connection.


At best he’s a simp. At worst he’s the one creating fake accounts and throwing insults on social media.


No matter what happens in life it’s never his fault. It’s the white man’s fault, it’s the blacks fault, it’s the rich boys fault, it’s the women!

Everything is someone else’s fault.

Low value men operate with a victim’s mentality!



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13 Chooses to escape reality.

A low value man’s reality sucks, so he chooses to escape it. Substances or other forms of addiction just to get away.

He escapes to virtual or imaginary worlds where his perceived value might be different.


He spends hours upon hours in the virtual world, gaming or pretending he’s a ninja with superpowers in his bedroom.

If not anime or video games, he’s usually re-running episodes of friends, because he doesn’t have any and this makes him feel like a part of the group.


His addiction goes beyond how he wastes his time. Confronted, he will always justify it.


When low value men are focused on temporary pleasures and escapism, they’re actively sabotaging their future.


You have no hobbies or interests, no charisma or ability to communicate and it’s not getting easier moving forward.


14 Angry at the world

Low value men create chaos in the world. High value men create order in the world. Low value men are angry at everyone.

They’re angry at women for not giving them any attention.

Despite not having any gold of their own, they’re angry at gold-diggers.


They’re angry at Chad for sleeping with beautiful women and not a great guy like themselves.

Wake up call: you’re not that great. They’re angry at rich people for getting rich and being successful – but you can never become something you hate!


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They’re angry at old people for living in simpler times. They’re angry at a whole fuckin lot!


In their anger, you realize they’re actually hurt, they’ve probably been through a lot of trauma in their childhoods.

But because of the choices they’ve made and the fact that they won’t stop digging themselves deeper in the hole they call life, they are beyond saving.


They need to save themselves.


15 He is not a masculine man

Before you bring out the special keyboards, because let’s be honest, you never touched a pitchfork in your life… masculine in this case means something different than you think.


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High value men traditionally rank high in all these 4 functions – and because social hierarchies are based on the comparison of the individuals in the sample group – those at the bottom get classified as low value.


You don’t need all of them to become high value, but if you lack all of them, there’s no way around it.

You’ve seen the list, now it’s your turn to contribute to the conversation!

What are some other signs of a low value man?




Complete ownership.

The only way to escape the trap you find yourself in as a low value individual is to assume complete ownership over your reality.

That’s the only way to escape the victim mentality! If you believe you currently are a low value man, turn the world off for 6 months.


No entertainment. No adult content. And No hanging out with your friends. Go full beast mode and drop off the planet for 6 months.

What’s 6 months for the rest of your life.

In 6 months you can go from being a low value man, to being average.

That’s the goal. Your job is to increase the following aspects of your life:

Read these 2 books:
1. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
2. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie.

They will help you understand how to overcome your condition.

Again, my purpose with writing this blog was to answer the bullshit backlash I had thrown at me from writing; Signs Of A Low value Woman.


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So as to not seem sexist, I dug into low value men also. Hopefully, this will shut some of those ass squirrels the fuck up!


Until next time! – BOOKER

#savage #alphalife



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