There’s A LOT Of Reasons She’s Single And She Knows Everyone Of Them

It is not YOU dude… Or, not always you. See, when many males make the mistake of seeing a female as larger than life, a miracle from above, an angel on earth… Most of the time it is because YOU are a dumbass and probably desperate, needy… a beta male!

Go on, you can admit it, you’re a complete simp and she knows you are also. Many males are so caught up in how good she looks, how fine she is… that ass! That they put that female on a pedestal. She doesn’t want that shit and all you are doing is drying her box like a sand storm!




She is a regular human being like everyone else. Shits, pisses, bleeds… needs sleep and a shower, just like you stupid.  Stop being a simp and respect a female, just as any other human being.  Some dudes see, or meet a pretty female and just can’t imagine why; how she is single…

There must have been some dog that cheated on her, was abusive, cock wasn’t right, he didn’t have enough money… or some other dumbass shit you tell yourself.  All of which means shit to most females. True, any female has likes and preferences, just like we do.

But you ain’t never broke up with a female because her pussy wasn’t tight enough, or she didn’t know how to squeeze on the pull back stroke. You’ve never left a girl, cause she didn’t make enough money, if she even had a job. You get my point, females don’t normally break up because of these things either.

Females are not us… When a woman is right in her mind, self assured, content in who she is… She wants connection and never holds to being single as her 1st and desired option! Additionally, once in a relationship, any woman has the power to make it last, so that she is never single.



Now… here is where the shit falls off the rails and train wrecks end what could be good things!

SHE IS THE ONE that is fucked up in the head! Now, I am not bashing women at all. Everything I’m about to cover, this particular status of women… females. Know and can confirm exactly what the fuck I an getting ready to assert. She is single, because SHE knows she is not a good girlfriend!

She always, usually, consciously, even unconsciously lets the dude she’s fucking with Know this shit.  BUT, like most males, they see their girl talking… They hear her, hear her words… over and over. BUT, they don’t fucking listen to what she is saying! Let me state that again. Dumbass males, will hear their girl talking… but they don’t fucking listen, until it’s too late and she’s done!

Now, a woman knows she has the power to fix all that shit. And you just figured YOU fucked up and are to blame for the train wreck. Well, sometime you might be, either party can be guilty and sometimes, shit just isn’t meant to work.



However… There is NOT SHIT YOU CAN DO, if she knows she’s a bad girlfriend! And NO female is going to admit that shit ever! YO ass just has to be smart!

Be an intelligent MAN, or don’t even fuck with any woman, YOU are not old enough to drive! Learn about a woman, their character, personalities, mentalities, emotions…


Every fuckin thing you can, if you ant a “good” woman and you want the shit to be successful and last! Put down the game, the ball, the cock in ya hand and go learn how to be a fuckin man of value!

That way yo ass can avoid gettin involved with fucked up, psychotic bitches! that know they ain’t about shit! Here is what I mean; Dudes will ask a female why she is single…



9 out of 10 times, she will tell dudes why, but they don’t listen! Her ass knows why she is though and also know, she never has to be! There is a lot that goes into it…

You see, she will get into a relationship with a dude, knowing damn well that there is no true potential of it lasting… she might just be extremely sexually attracted to the dude, or some shit along those lines.

She also knows herself though and knows that she is extremely shallow! Yeah… females are NOT angels on earth son! They are humans like all of us, stop being an ass!

But see, since she is shallow, she is willing to put aside the fact that they are not compatible, but she may see him as fine though and that’s enough for her at that time.



To make dumb ass decisions. And a simp, will allow it, not question it, won’t even considered it, because he is hitting that ass.

She knows though that one of the qualities that make her NOT a good girlfriend, is because she is very selfish and most likely has an, all about me attitude.


So when y’all dudes hear the females talking about; “Treat me like a Queen.” And, “I deserve a good guy”, “Not gonna settle.” “Waiting for Mr. Right…”.

All of that shit! They know that THEY, probably ain’t Ms. Right! That they wouldn’t know how to treat a King in any capacity, because there ain’t no schools for that shit anywhere!


She has learned how to treat males from past dudes, social media, movies and her friends! So unless she changes any of those elements for the better, all things will remain the same.

So none of it makes her a good girlfriend, BUT… She is and may in fact be very knowledgeable about ho to be a good girlfriend. Yet, inside she may chuckle to herself and acknowledge.

That it does not mean she is going to be one though! Sure! She knows what should be done… she knows how to be in a healthy relationship.

But that doesn’t mean that is what you are gonna get out of her! But she also knows how to do whatever it is she wants to do to! That is why yo ass needs to pay attention to what she says!



Dudes will focus on the wrong stuff.. looks, ass, smile, her angelic looks and that’s why dumbasses will be ending up with the wrong people! Some females are just very selfish!

Very shallow… All about themselves and what it is that she wants. They have a very bad attitude, low patience and tolerance…

And they… she knows that those things do not contribute to a good situation some times. They… she will never tell you this, or admit it. They simply can’t, they are not wired for it, or how to fix it.

YOU have to be the MAN and know how to stick around and when to move the fuck to better! A female that knows she is not a good girlfriend, knows that she is flaky.



And that her mind changes way to damn much. One minute she can like you and the next minute, she doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.

She will do silent treatment when she feels you are on her nerves, she will ghost you in a heart beat… There is a lot of reason she is single and she knows it herself.

She has known that shit for years most likely. And she in NOT confused at all, on how she got single and why she remains that way! She knows also, that if she wanted to fix her problem, she could.

Even if she is crewing one o multiple males out here, she is still saying and putting out single signs, cause she knows inside. That those dudes are not going to be relationship guy, cause she knows she is not right for them and they don’t fit what she wants in a partner.

She may se those dudes as man whores, but will never see herself as a factor in it. Or acknowledge her own accountability, because she doesn’t believe she is doing anything wrong and is just protecting herself from another mistake and future hurt. Even though that is exactly what she is laying down and paving for herself.

BUT, most of these females don’t see anything wrong with it at all! They don’t feel like they have to change it… so many simps come at them, throwing false validation, praise, promises…



Hoping to get the ass, or keep her for a while. She won’t fix herself until she want’s too. Which then, when those dudes aren’t coming after her anymore and she is now 30 something and fatter with kids…

She realizes she has hit the wall and then rushes to look for that simp for long term support. And usually has to settle by then. This is just how most females are… they are toxic, they are broken!

Many of them own it, allow it, use it as an excuse… some embrace it and hide behind it. RUN FROM THEM!! You can and will do better, unless YO ASS, isn’t about shit either!

So take females off the pedestal and just be decent… get some self respect… stop being a beta pussy and work to be, or become the best Man you can be! Stay on your purpose and allow a GOOD girlfriend to come for you!


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