Things That Take Some People A Lifetime To Realize And Learn

Imagine you are now 70 years old, living in a house by the sea, and enjoying your retirement.

You are staring at the sea, thinking about the life lessons you have picked on along the way.

You know things could have been better, if only you learned these lessons earlier in your life.



In this blog I will cover and explore these things. ” That’s why they are called life lessons,” you reassure yourself, but it’s not too late to learn new lessons.




The Real Price They Paid

Sometimes, people get into crazy situations and just stick with it for no good reason. This is what you have to suffer, this is your life now.

It is why they stick with a bad partner in a toxic relationship, why they spend several years at a job that they hate so much.

Or more than half their lives in the same town, even when they are aching to leave.


Unfortunately, only later do they realize, late in their lives. That they could have done things differently and no one forced them to stick to that path.

You had a ton of choices but for some reason, you stuck to the path that offered nothing but pain and regret.




Usually, this would cost you a lot, especially the life you could have had if only you took the bold step of going for what you want.


You’ve only got one life to live and you must make the most out of it. You don’t have to wake up one day and regret the life you had when you can make the decision now.

Come on, you got this bitch… I will be on the sidelines cheering you on, lol!


There Is No Perfect Answer 

All of our lives, we’ve been told there are right and wrong answers. We’ve also been constantly fed the narrative, that there exists a perfect answer to our troubles.

And we spend more than half our lives searching, but what if I told you that there is no perfect answer.

That there are no wrong decisions, only wrong ways to look at them?

Come to think of it, knowing that there are no perfect answers changes everything.

Anyone of us would have done things much differently if we knew then what we should know now.

You would become more open to several different possibilities and opportunities. As opposed to limiting yourself from fear…

If you spend too much time looking for the right answer; you are more likely to find an answer that doesn’t satisfy you at all!



So, next time you want to make an important decision like getting married, switching careers, or moving to a new city, remember that there is no perfect answer.

Instead, make an educated guess based on your current circumstances, and put in your best; the results will be worth it.


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Your Best Years Change

You miss the happiness of your childhood and your rebellious teenage years. You are also sure you miss your years of college and your first feeling of financial freedom.


The point here is, there’s always something to look forward to and you just have to be willing to see it.

But you wouldn’t enjoy your life if you choose to believe your best years are over.

You are more likely to hate your later years if you believe your best years are in the past.

You can enjoy your life in whatever way, irrespective of your age. Age doesn’t define your best years, you do.




You Can Live Forever Through Legacy

You came across an interesting story once that said they only truly die when someone says your name for the last time.

This means that every time we mention the name of someone who died years ago, they briefly come alive in our hearts and your words.


So, if you want to live forever, why not leave a legacy that forever keeps your name in the hearts of many?

You know what you are thinking; leaving a strong legacy behind sounds like a complex and huge thing to do.

But there are smart and simple steps you can get started with.

For instance, writing a book that inspires and motivates thousands of people sounds like a good start.

And creating a solution to a problem that affects thousands across the world is another great way to leave a lasting legacy.



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You Are Not Your Work 

It is important to work hard. It is important to be dedicated to what you do but it becomes a problem when your job becomes your life.


A job is one of the things we do as humans; it isn’t something that should define you as an individual.

You shouldn’t allow your work to cause you to miss a dinner date with your partner, or allow you to miss your child’s baseball game.


These are moments that would mean so much more in the future, and can never be regained.

Instead, you’ll be forced to live with regret and disappointment in yourself.

While we must work hard to achieve our dreams and aspirations, it is equally important to create time for ourselves and your loved ones.


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Struggle Is a Part of Life

Life would be beautiful without struggles, then you wouldn’t have to work, or face challenges.

Because everything would work out just fine, but let’s be honest… wouldn’t that be kind of boring?

And how do you expect to become the best version of yourself if you don’t face some challenges?


Let’s face it; challenges and struggles make life interesting. Life is a struggle in itself, and we must strive to rise above it.


However, while struggles are a necessary fragment of life, it is also quite important that we work towards a life of very few struggles.

You can’t spend your entire life fighting, there’s got to be a time where you sit back and enjoy everything you struggled for.



Life Doesn’t Give You All You Want

You know, this might sound a little discouraging, but you can’t argue with the truth.

However, even though life doesn’t give you all you want, it sure gives you everything you deserve.

Remember the saying about reaping what you sow that’s pretty much how life works.

But it goes even way beyond that!

We have so many expectations, but a part of you knows that not every one of them will work out.

Sometimes, you plan everything to the point of perfection, but it still manages to go sideways.


But what matters most is getting back up; if it matters to you, you’ve got to keep trying until you get what you want.

Nobody said you can’t take what you want from life, so, keep going for it.




You Should Live For Yourself

When we get older, it becomes easier to look back on your lives and see things with more clarity.

At this point, you can see if we actually lived our lives the way we wanted, or lived entirely for somebody else.

But thankfully, you don’t have to wait till your later years to learn the importance of living for yourself.


Are you living a life that is influenced by external pressure? Are you chasing the dreams you’ve always had as a kid, or pursuing the ones your parents wanted for you?

Your answers to these questions will determine if you are living your life for yourself or other people.


You don’t want to be old and grey, and constantly regret the fact that you never did what you wanted to do.

So, take the right step today and put your life in your own hands; it’s yours anyway.




Live In The Moment 

If you are still hung up on the past, and also worrying about the future, there’s a good chance you aren’t living in the moment.

If the past is gone, and the future isn’t guaranteed, why are you so bothered about them?


The only moment you can control is now, so make the most out of it.

Learn from the past and move on, plan for the future, but never allow it to steal the magic of the present moment.

Choosing to live in the present helps you to develop a positive mindset towards life, and worrying about the past and present does the exact opposite.



10 Taking Things For Granted

Ever heard the quote, “You never realize the value of something until it’s gone”? Well, this is true for most of the people; they often don’t care too much about what they have until they lose them.


Sometimes, it could be your loved ones, your jobs, or even a certain privilege; whatever it is, it never pays to take it for granted.


Your loved ones won’t be here forever, so why not appreciate them when you still can? Pay attention to everyone and everything that matters; you never know, it just might disappear in the blink of an eye.





11 Nothing Is Permanent 

Now, there are two interesting ways they can look at this. First, nothing is permanent so every moment is an important one.

So, rather than complain about the past, why not enjoy the moment in every way you can?

When someone say nothing is permanent, doesn’t this also mean that your tough situations wouldn’t last forever?

No matter how difficult a period of your life might be, console yourself with the assurance that nothing lasts forever.

That this difficulty is nothing but a bump in the road.



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12 The Ultimate Goal is Happiness

Happiness, isn’t that what everyone wants? Why wouldn’t anyone want that feeling of calmness, satisfaction, and peace in their heart?

Happiness improves the quality of your lives, and the lives of those around you, it teaches you to see challenges as lessons and failures as natural setbacks.


It fills you with the hope that things will turn out fine someday, no matter how difficult the present is.


At this point, you are pretty sure you can agree that your happiness is something you should fight for.

Rather than being entirely dependent on someone for your happiness, make the conscious effort to find happiness that depends solely on you.

But remember that happiness takes hard work; you have to want it for yourself and stop expecting it to come naturally to you.




13 It’s Okay To Feel Down

Being happy is an important part of your lives, it is perfectly okay to feel down sometimes.

Everyone feels that way at several points in their lives. We’ve been conditioned to see sadness as a negative emotion, but while excessive sadness can be negative, feeling down once in a while can be beneficial to you.


For starters, sadness is a necessary part of grieving, and it can help us connect with our deeper emotions.


It can also help us process traumatic and life-changing events, which in turn is a necessary part of overcoming this trauma.

Most importantly, feeling down and feeling happy are opposite sides of a coin, and finding the right balance is the secret to a life of satisfaction.




14 It’s Never Too Late To Start Again

Don’t you think that you would miss out on some great inventions if the inventors gave up in their 20s or 30s?

At BOOKER Technologies, we believe it’s never too late to start over; you don’t have to settle for less just because you think time is no longer your ally.

Also who says you are too old to achieve what you want? I mean, who made that rule? You’ve got the present moment, why would you even think there’s no time?

The best time to start again is now, so let’s get cracking.



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15 Money Won’t Solve All Your Problems

I hate to ruin the fuckin party, but money won’t solve all your problems. Money is important, but it wouldn’t buy you quality time with your friends and family.

Nor would it buy you true happiness.

Why then make the pursuit of money your only priority?


Wanting to be rich isn’t a bad thing; in fact, having enough money can improve the quality of your life.

But don’t sacrifice the things that matter for a few thousand dollars!

While you can always make money, you can’t do the same with lost moments.




16 Good Things Don’t Come Easy

Good things take time, and they require quite a heavy dose of hard work. If you’ve been working hard towards a goal for a long time.

Here’s a gentle reminder that you just need to put in a little more work and time, everything will pay off very soon.






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