Why Women Feel That Males Are Feminine Anymore And The Double Standard

The shit boggles my mind… If a female wants a male that is older, it’s a preference… If a male wants a girl that is younger, it’s creepy and immature…

If a girl doesn’t want to be with a short guy, it’s a preference… If a guy doesn’t want to be with a girl who’s over weight, he’s an asshole and not focused on the things that matter.

If a girl wants a guy who will take charge, it’s a preference… if a guy wants a girl who will submit to his lead, he’s (you guessed it!) mysoginistic. 

If a girl sets a boundary, it’s empowering… If a guy sets a boundary, it’s controlling. 

Women have preferences… men have something wrong with us.

This isn’t a double standard at all, it’s just illogical and these broken females will be alone forever and relegated to nothing more than being passed from dick to dick. Until growing old and worn one day and having to settle for whatever simp will tolerate them. Or, dying alone.



You see, us men do not have commitment issues… we have the same barber, same sports teams… on and on for years.  Females however… what they believe they want, what they say they want, what they actually want, changes like a traffic stop light!

Females waffle, are unsure and fickle… They know it themselves and what they think they want (never need) changes from one minute to the next.

Remember fellas… In the roaring 20’s you never have to approach a female anymore… Don’t ask her out, don’t make the 1st move. These females feel totally empowered, independent and as they do not need men. They pick and choose, compare us and stay in expectancy without provision!




Let them approach YOU 1st! Let them make the first move… If they are interested, they will. If they never do, keep moving to a “woman” who is ready!

I know thousands of you will read this message, because the statistic numbers say so and if you need to see how many have read this article, the number is at the bottom of this post.

Be MEN! never boys… Be humble, decent, a leader, be able to provide and protect… for yourself first and fore most and allow the right woman to come for you!


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