We all know I have my ideas and theories about why chasing women is a bad idea, and can completely distract you from what the bigger goal, and your bigger life’s purpose is.
Mainly that’s because most wayward women are deceptive, fickle or utterly belong to the streets. However, let’s put those truths aside for the moment and justify why any self respecting MAN, should never chase a female.
There are two reasons why women make you chase them.
1. She is not into you
When a woman is really into you, depending on her age, level of experience and among other things, she will be more than willing to not drag things out, just because of the thrill she may feel about being chased.
When a woman really likes you, it’s quite easy to see it in her speech, in her availability, in her body language, and in the things that she does when she is around you.
However, if you’re the one who seems to always be doing the pursuing, then you’re in trouble, because it means that she’s not into you.
She probably has multiple suitors, mostly beta orbiter’s due to social media and these hungry simps continually showering her with false validation and ear lies, hoping to get the pussy.
She’s never going to sleep with those simps though, at best she will consign them to the friend zone and use them for their resources.
This is her deceptive and dark agenda side and she feels justified in doing this to these poor simps, because they have blown her head up with all the false validation thrown at her… this is female nature.
And you could very well be on that list as far as she is concerned, and she will deny it to herself and you! She will feel justified in walking out on you, because of what YOU… the simp, the punk.
Have told her, promised her, given her… before any commitment, before any sex, before being a MAN. And demonstrating your self worth, earning respect, showing the ability to lead and handle your own life, the way a MAN should to her.
A MAN that gets the ass! Her ass! A MAN that she wants to follow, respects and wants to make a life with!
2. She doesn’t feel safe around you
She probably is not feeling safe with you because she’s had some terrible previous experiences, when it comes to males- the bad boys, mommas boys, punks…
Pookie and Ray Ray, Chad and Brandon… and now she is simply wary and sick of fuck boy bullshit, beta male whining… narcissistic abuse. ..
She don’t want that… she doesn’t need it. You are showing nothing that grows her as a person. She doesn’t feel like a team with you or even at home with you. You dry her box!
Furthermore, she puts up all these barricades and walls up, in a way to sort of protect her heart, and so she would let you actually work really hard to win her affection.
And she feels that the harder a man is willing to work for her affection and her attention, the more dedicated he will be. Well… some of that is right, but mostly…
She’s just not feeling you. Or she would open to you, because even at the worst, she has been down the road before and knows what being fucked over is like now.
She knows what to look for, the signs and what to expect. She also knows the dark side of herself – what she doesn’t bring to the table, how much she doesn’t care… how deceptive she is…
So if she isn’t even trying to meet you half way and hoping for the better. She’s not into you, move on, there are others.
That, usually, is not the case though… Men of value, self respect, ability, resources… something to offer, should not be chasing anyone!
Chasing a woman distracts you from your goals
For starters, if your main focus is to chase a woman, it diverts your attention from actually pursuing the things that really matter in life.
You can buy good looking pussy anywhere, if you don’t find one that see’s your value. We will never be limited by the attachments of emotion and bonding that they are, when it comes to simply getting laid.
A human function like pissing, eating, shitting, sleeping and carrying on with the day. Remember, females are the gateway to sex, but we control relationships.
Where one females isn’t capable, able or confused… another one is ready to lock it down and grow; build with you!
What are your goals, what are your aspirations? What is it that you want to do with your life? What are your dreams?
Now is the time to make those dreams come true. If you’re busy spending time chasing women instead of chasing those dreams, you will soon realize that your dreams are even harder to attain, and you wasted a lot of time.
She will leave anyway then, because she gets bored easily. Almost like a new born, or a house cat, or a monkey. She’s never yours, it’s just your turn.
She will look for more excitement, a thrill, greener grass, that feeling of butterfly’s… This is their nature… They are addicted to turmoil, being unsure and receiving approval.
Be a Man of value and purpose and the woman you need will find you and see you! She will recognize you to begin with and want the type of man you are, not easily settling herself for that beta simp out there.
That comes with temporary thrills, fun and being unsure of his motives, intentions and actions daily. Yet females still do this all the time, because they are governed by what looks good.
What feels easy and what accepts the lazy, deceptive, casual, useless nature… many of these misguided females have.
So, rather than chasing women, focus on your dreams and once you do become successful, guess who’s going to be chasing you? Yup – Women. Many of them!
So don’t chase women, chase your dreams. If you successfully managed to check those dreams, the women will come. Box will be given and thrown at you, but so will loyalty, love, desire and growth together.