If a female doesn’t and / or is not willing to chase you and let you know that they are interested in you, keep moving. There are women out there that are not fickle, not wish washy and waffling in confusion, who are ready to comitt to one man.
Then there are girls out here unsure, available to whoever gives minimal attention… never having the confidence or security to make the 1st move to go after a guy they may even be interested in and so opportunity passes them by…
Only boys chase females and boys pursue any and all that will give them a look, some attention and a helping of ass from as many easy targets as will let them talk it out of ’em. And equally likewise, girls chase the same attention and validation.
And these same girls are also looking for their own collection, whether it be a roof over their head, transportation food and to sell the ass in exchange to get by.
These types of females often expect to be chased by males… They want them to pay their way, pay for kids that are not theirs, carry and support these girls, whom still belong to the streets.
A solid, strong, independent woman knows what she wants and knows that she is the female.
She knows she is the feminine and that she is in contest amongst all the other female as well.
So as a Man of value, self respect worth, resources, consistency and ability… Never chase females like some boy out here.
If a woman of worth, value, decency and intelligence wants you. She will make you know it! And then you as a Man, worthy of her value and unique merits, will step up and do the rest to make her know secureness in a solid, mutually beneficial relationship!
Remember though, if she is not chasing you, pursuing you, making you aware that she wants you and is a loyal, feminine and supportive woman and partner to not be taken for granted, objectified or seen as simplistic as no woman of worth wants those things from someone they want to be with… Keep moving and only have eyes open for the women that do and will come after and pursue you!
Men chase stability, security, betterment, foundational growth, family and legacy. If a woman also expects these things in her life, she needs to be the feminine and step up, if she wants a masculine partner whom offers these things.
Or… she can simply settle for the boys who will chase her and every other, shiny new toy that comes along!
That mediocrity is not for your life though… You will go on as the MAN and build your life in all aspects and enjoy the delights, the energy, the intuition and fruits… that come with a WOMAN!
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