NOTE to Girls, believing they are women….

You Kats make post all day long about how men are good for nothing, not about shit and you don’t need or want one. Because Men are out for themselves, no good, another kid you have to take care of or several other idiotic reasons… Here is a hard lesson for you though. You are Girls. NOT Women. You Girls have created your own situation. Don’t blame MEN. Blame the cartoon character boys you got involved with. The ones that sucked your futures up left you broke, bad credit and a gang of kids. The ones that YOU promoted to the status of; “Baby Daddy”.

YOU were the one that fell for the teenaged game and ambitions that these boys brought to your life. YOU fell for a pretty boy face, some teenage six pack sporting clown with no sign of a Man’s body to go along with it. Their heavily tattooed and disturbingly pierced bodies and their wanna be player images that soaked your little wet asses up, cause you believed they were a “Bad Boy”. You knew when you had the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th kid with them, that there was no future, no hope and no way they were going to be worth anything that you needed in your future. They were dropping you off at work in your car. Living in your section 8 pad and what did they bring to your table… A teenaged cock and 2 minutes of nothing but regret, resent and wall building on your part.

So many of you post about not needing a man. “You’ve got shit handled” so on and so forth. News flash! You sadly delusional Girls have not been with any MEN. We Men, handle our shit, stand by our families, and strive to build that family. Lead our homes and family’s in God’s word and the teaching of Jesus. We do not care about all the bullshit that creamed up those little panties you like to take phone pics of and that fall off of you so easily. Every time another “Bad Boy cartoon character” gives you some false attention. STOP blaming us MEN! We didn’t lead you to heroin, drugs, alcohol, probation, a shit job, no money and a stressful life. Nope. Wasn’t us at all. So the next time you decide to bring a warm body into your life. Stop doing what you know and looking for what you think you know…

You know nothing and you may be even a bigger loss than these jokers who have screwed up your lives and helped you make all the kids that you are so thankful for and they barely remember their names. Go out and get with a MAN and shut up! You have nothing figured out. Will be in the same situation your in until those kids grow up and move away to their own dysfunctional relationships. Then you will be older and us MEN, will gladly tip you to take our orders at Waffle House at midnight, or ring us up at Circle K as we are heading home to lives with our WOMEN! My observation anyway… Now, keep posting all the jacked up memes you post about how bad Men are and stay stuck in the lifestyle of the poor, unfortunate and ignorant. 

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