How A Toxic Female Destroys A Man In 3 Simple Methods

Let me first begin by stating that not all females are toxic…

1. Idolize

2. Devalue

3. Discard

Idolize Stage:

In the beginning he is everything to her.
She is everything he ever wanted.
She says he’s so different than all their crazy exes.
He can do no wrong.
She shows everyone how amazing he is!
They are going to get married!
Duncan and Hellga

Devalue Stage:

She starts texting hanging around her crazy ex.
Then she flirts and texts other guys.
The intimacy drops.
He gets concerned about this.
So…he says something about it.
“You’re just crazy!” She tells him.
“You are just being needy” like her exes, she says!
“You are controlling!”
“You aren’t doing enough!”
She get very very angry, and never addresses the issue.
Everything is his fault!
She wouldn’t have to if he was there for her!
She says she misses him! But is never around.
She needs help with finances.
She needs his compliments because she’s insecure.
She needs drugs and alcohol and he’s always helping her through it.
She needs help, and is always having problems and drama.
But somehow she never helps him. It’s always him helping her.
She calls HIM a narcissist!
Hellga, casually strolling around the house, uninvolved and continually on the phone texting…

Discard Stage:

Her phone becomes more important than even her kids.
She starts staying out late
She begins going to places and doing things she doesn’t tell him about.
He can’t question anything she says without it turning into a major situation.
She moves out in the middle of the night. Or while he’s at work.
She cleans out his bank accounts and moves in with another guy.
Her new life is AMAZING, and he’s devastated.
She tells everyone how he’s the crazy ex.
She tells everyone he’s abusive.
She gets a restraining order.
He can’t see his kids.
In fact, she turns them against him.
He can’t go home.
He obsesses.
Maybe he loses his job, or she sabotaged it.
She’s all he thinks about, morning, noon, and night because he can’t sleep.
His anxiety is through the roof.
He gets incredibly depressed.
…he’d still forgive her.
He can’t get over her…days, months, years later.
Even though she used and abused him for days, months, years.
He’d still take her back.
And that scares him to death.
Life is grey, uninteresting, and sad.
He can’t work, he can’t sleep, he can’t be with his children.
Time doesn’t fix his problem.
This is emotional abuse.
He needs outside help.
He doesn’t realize he’s not alone.
That millions of men suffer from this daily.
And thousands could recover daily…with the right help.
You might hear about the signs in passing.
“Duncan is going through a tough divorce”
“She’s trying to take him for everything he has”
“She says he’s abusive, but I’ve never known Duncan to be that way.”
“We try to tell him she doesn’t really care about him, but he won’t listen to any of us.”
“We lost our friend Duncan…ever since he got with Hellga, all he does is be with her.”
“Whatever happened to the Duncan we used to know?”
“I’d love to see the old Duncan again, but he’s a shell of himself now.”
I was victim of a toxic female, whom I years later came to learn that I was not the first victim of her darkness. I was fresh, optimistic and new when I first met her and went in to the marriage with the innocent ideals of a man and woman, husband and wife… in a loyal, loving, committed family.  I was naïve, as she had none of that making in her and had navigated and mastered the ways of deception, plotting, spite and dark damage, long before I entered. I was unaware, our singular believed by myself happy life and marriage. Was not at all the same reality or perspective shared by her…
If my story resembles what you went through or someone you know. Realize that you can Come Out On Top After Her Betrayal. The emotional pain and uncertainty can massively change in as little as weeks and I can help open eyes to it and what is being missed, just as I missed what was right in front of me. Click here to learn more:
P.S. If you happen to know a guy like this or is going through this.
Please do him a favor and send this to him, even if he never listens.
This might be the shock he needs to hear.
It could very well save his life, and bring your friend back.

3 thoughts on “How A Toxic Female Destroys A Man In 3 Simple Methods”

    1. Thanks Kelley… When I wrote this, I actually complied info from questions I posed to 3 separate females whom do not know each other and from different socio-economic classes…

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