Signs of A Low Value Woman

Low value women are a liability, not an asset, to their partner! They drop the average value of the couple and they do not make great long term partners! And when they say “Value” they’re talking about the kinds of skills and attributes they can bring to the table.


Not their intrinsic value as a human being. In this article I will be sharing at least 12 or more, Signs of a Low Value Woman. These types of “low value” women are not the ones desirable to build a life, a family or an empire with.


By the end of this article, you will have a brutally honest… no, a SAVAGELY honest list of traits and behaviors. Pay close attention to this list, for growth comes from honesty!

Delusionally Inflated sense of value

She doesn’t actually bring anything to the table, she just thinks she does.

They always say they are strong independent women that are unmarried by choice; that say that men are intimidated by them – when in reality high value men avoid them because they don’t want to have to deal with all of that.

This is why some women say: why someone can’t handle me. They live in fantasy land!

So, they are waiting for their prince charming because the media has sold them this idea that no matter who you are, what you do, a knight in shining armor will come to pull you out of your village and put you in a castle.

They actually believe they look like the filters they keep using! So they’re the ones who light up candles in order to manifest the man of their dreams. They’re entitled.

They’re usually a single child that has been extremely spoiled, despite coming from average or below average families. And now doesn’t understand their actual value in a relationship or in the world, because her parents gave her everything she asked for. Without effort so she expects the same from the world.





In her mind she’s a queen and in real life she’s just average: works an average job, in an average apartment, living an average life. But because she believes she’s a queen, she wants to change the man.

She looks at men as work in progress, as pet-projects that need to rise to the level of her imagination – a level that she’s unable to touch herself; that’s why no man is good enough for her.

The level of men she believes she deserves are way above her level though and are not looking at her… they are looking at the women above their own levels.

High confidence when not backed by true value is unagreeable! Many women live in what is possible, while men live in what is probable! And no man wants to deal with a woman who has unrealistic expectations, because all those expectations will fall on him, because she’s clearly unable to contribute.


They play games

Women with low values play games with men that they believe are beneath them. They feel like they can easily walk away and that’ll be no problem for them. They see a good man who would give his all loving them as an option.

And the one that has the pretty, upfront personality… hiding and masking the outright son of a bitch, that will cheat, keep chasing attention and keep wanting to level up himself, as the one to definitely pursue at all costs.

Only later to regret the tears, pain, abuse and abandonment they have been handed. They’re the ones who walk away just because they want to see if you’d chase after them.

She’s always “testing” you. They operate in grey areas. They flirt with others but don’t want you to do the same. She operates in drama, in gossip, because creating chaos makes her feel powerful as she’s the one creating the chaos.


Insults and Shames others


She belittles people. Maybe not you while she’s trying to impress you, but others. It’s just a matter of positioning until she does the same to her partner. They treat the waiters and the staff poorly. She’s impolite through her behavior.

Low value women insult and shame the person they’re with. They compare them with the athletes and high value men just to make them feel weak and ashamed that you can’t provide the same level of lifestyle that these other people can.


In her delusion, she feels entitled to that kind of lifestyle. Because most women are physically weaker than men, a low-value woman will rely on inflicting emotional pain. She’ll dig deep into a partner’s soul and use their insecurity to inflict pain.

She’ll reference their mother, father or siblings as patterns of poor behavior. Low value women look down on men because of their height or other physical attributes outside of one’s control.

You see it all the time. The moment they start losing arguments they go straight for insults.


Loud and inarticulate

There’s a saying: Money yells, wealth whispers! It’s the same everywhere. You must’ve hear this all the time. Loud, in public, yelling, screaming, causing a scene and making no sense whatsoever.

For these women, feelings are superior to facts. She feels rage so she is right and don’t you dare explain to her otherwise, or Krazy Karen will feel offended and shocked and then the po po will come and collect you! Or her! Probably her.

Low value women lack the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. She lacks the vocabulary needed or the ability to chain ideas and explain them in a way that leads to a solution to whatever problem she believes she’s addressing – not to mention that they’re causing a scandal even when there is no valid reason for it.

These are the “in-your-face” women. She throws things. She will even shit in your bed if she has to. These women will make you feel like a prisoner in your own relationship.


Children from past marriages


This is where all the single-mama warriors will jump at the opportunity to call out names. The truth is, your actions have consequences. It doesn’t matter if you were young, dumb or it was an accident or your fault.

From an objective – brutally honest – perspective, here’s how SOCIETY sees this situation: She signals to SOCIETY that she makes poor choices. She was not able to hold a family together and now she’s trying to build a new one while bringing with her children from someone else.

And realistically, this is a major ask and sacrifice you’re looking for someone to make. Reality is that everyone is looking to maximize the value of their efforts. The children have no fault of their own, but that doesn’t mean the mom gets a free pass and the choices you make in the past disqualify you from certain things in the future.



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Most men want children of their own. Historically, men care about their legacy, it’s been ingrained into their DNA to feel and reason this way by thousands of years of evolution where only the strong had offspring.

They work hard to create the best life for their own children and every effort, every dollar, every second that they spend with your existing kids is one they have to take from their own children.

Being divorced and having children from a previous marriage doesn’t necessarily make you a “low value woman” but given the choice where all other variables are equal, here it is about fitness, brains, beauty etc. –

Most single men would almost always pick someone who doesn’t bring all of this baggage with them, ranking women with no children yet higher in the social hierarchy.

This is usually where women play the experience card: “But I have more experience now, I know what it takes to please a partner”.

Life as well as the perceived value of women isn’t about seniority. More experience is actually worse than less experience.

Plus, you have experience in what not to do. time is the enemy because biology shows that women have a biological clock, so statistically, the more time passes, the harder it will be for you to have more children and if your potential prospects want kids, this will play a factor in their decision making.



Out of shape


Fitness is a massive attribute in the way society perceives, judges and ranks individuals. The healthier you are the more appealing a person is so the demand for that person increases, just from a physical perspective.

Plus, the more out of shape a person is, the more likely you are to experience illness and disease; people will look at that and see the potential struggles of the future. I find it hilarious that: There are many women say they want a guy with a nice car.

BUT YOUR ASS DON’T FIT IN A NICE CAR! The level of your fitness is under your control. Even with genetic complications there are steps you can take to be in the best possible shape you can be.

And before you say it, it doesn’t matter the genes you were born with, by being active you’ll achieve more.
In today’s world, it’s so common that people are dieing of obesity rather then hunger.

For centuries only the rich were fat, because only they had access to food. Now the rich are fit and active while the poor are fat and unhealthy.



True Pheromones



Trashy in this case is the opposite of elegant, of femininity, of stature. Society values women who have grace, that show self-respect. Remember, others treat you the way you treat ourselves! Respect yourself and others will respect you.

you’re not shaming nobody, but from a probability perspective, in life you get what you advertise! You cannot behave in a certain way and be shocked when others that don’t value that behavior aren’t putting themselves on a silver platter for you. This is a two-way street!

Take yourself seriously.



Unresolved trauma of the past


There are over 4 billion women in the world. Statistically, some of them have had a rough childhood. Some had problems with their early relationships or haven’t been able to develop themselves accordingly.

That’s why therapy is trending. You need to find ways to solve your past so it’s not such a big burden in the present. The more troubled, the more damaged, the higher maintenance you will be, that’s just a fact.

And when they say maintenance, they’re not talking about money, They’re talking about the amount of patience, time, and efforts, reveals that go above and beyond what’s required in your average healthy relationship.

This is a cost somebody will have to bear just to be with you, and if all other variables are the same – statistically – someone who doesn’t need this much work to be done will be chosen more often and will excel in life!

Although what happened to you in the past may or may not be your fault, it is your responsibility to fix yourself and not expect others to fix you.



Controlling, Jealous and unable to show trust


Some women are obsessed with control. They are unable to show trust. Both being trustworthy and the ability to show trust are traits valued by society, peers and potential partners.

This usually comes from personal insecurities. Deep down they(may think) know they are not worthy of the partner they have so they are constantly looking for reasons to measure them down.

These are the women that go through their partners phones, emails, they don’t allow you to even be in the presence of other women. She’s looking for fire even when there isn’t any smoke.

Being in a relationship with these kinds of women makes the individual feel trapped and minimized.

Nobody can build a life with someone who they don’t trust or that doesn’t trust them, for that’s what committing to building anything of value is.



 10 Good Time, not a Long Time


Sorry ladies, but some of you aren’t queen material. Just because you get a lot of attention from beta orbiting males, mostly looking to pump n dump… doesn’t mean you’re a high value woman.

high from false social media validation, from strangers who don’t know you, haven’t lived with you or absorbed and experienced your ways. Or a sexual perspective doesn’t make you wifey material.

These are for the lack of a better word the bimbos. All surface, no substance. Most likely belonging to the streets. They will have fun with you, they will sleep with you, they will date you, they will go on trips with you, they may buy you gifts…

But they likely have no intention of putting a ring on that finger and starting a family with you – or if they do, you will have a passive role – trophy wife isn’t what it used to be, because men have standards and although they take pride in your beauty, they don’t want you to embarrass them in front of their peers.



This is where even very attractive women struggle, because a high value woman is more than looks. Looks are a depreciating asset! Meaning if looks are all you bring to the table, your perceived “value” over time decreases as your youthful beauty begins to fade… usually after about 30 when most women hit the wall and then you’re seen by these men as a liability.

Mostly because guys at that same age 30 and up, can not only still get women in their 20’s, but now also appeal to the older women also. Women who may be more established, wiser, more mature, more loving, more grounded and at 30, 40, 50, 60… know what they want and often have no baggage and no constraints!

Even if they get married, these are usually the women replaced with a younger spouse because the kind of men they attract only care about looks and age and mileage use of the goods.


11 High body count


A low value woman is available. Has a reputation for being available. Men approach her as a fling because they know she is ok with it she’s done so in the past.

Everyone has a past, but if yours openly looks like a sausage factory, you can’t really question why high-quality men or women wouldn’t be looking for that in a spouse.



12 Emotionally manipulative


Low value women are manipulative by nature. They try to trap people by being mischievous. These are the women that cry when you tell them they are wrong. These are the women who trap men emotionally saying they would harm themselves if their partner left them.

She has no problem with lying to get what she wants. She’s gaslighting. She plays the victim card, throwing the blame on others and taking no responsibility. When faced with the truth she breaks down emotionally.

She might say things like: “You don’t see I am already hurting why are you hurting me even more?” as a way of escaping the situation.

These women have no regard for the truth.
She will rather ignore you than apologize for being wrong and if she does apologize, she expects you to make it up to her for putting her in that kind of situation.

She’ll move the goal post, twist the facts, throw up smokescreens or deflect from the truth.



13 Cares more about impressing other women


She thinks because she’s a side chick with a Birkin bag that she’s superior to a happily married woman with children, or one who has built a career for herself. Low value women associate love and happiness with material possessions.

There’s even a trend on tik-tok where women say their men no longer love them because they refused to buy them a range rover. Although it tries to play as funny, it’s an indicator to where the culture is right now.

She doesn’t care whether or not you guys are happy as a couple, if she can’t show it off on expensive holidays. Instagram and flexing culture has transformed the modern woman into one that’s obsessed with playing status games.

Average women now demand their partners take them on holidays in the Maldives, give them luxury gifts and experiences – despite both of them being average earners.

The pressure they put is sacrificing the long-term wellness of the family so they can earn likes on social media and feel superior to other people online.




14 Doesn’t have a plan for her life


You see these “low-value” women go through life like there’s no tomorrow. Their belief is that they will figure it out at some point. Although that might be ok in your early 20s, assuming you don’t accidentally get pregnant, once 35 rolls around and you’ve hit the wall between 30 and 35, things start feeling differently.

Life is like a tasting menu dinner. You start with one dish, then with the next, then the next and eventually you end up with dessert. You pay the bill and then you go home. Low value women have no plans for their lives.

They don’t know what they want to be when they grow up and they’re getting old fast.

No matter how much moisturizer you put on, this doesn’t negate the fact that you wasted the last 15 years or more of your life without making something of yourself – or at least figuring out who you are.

All of them think they can go into real estate, because they watched Selling Sunset on Netflix. They lack both skills required to win in the marketplace or make a good housewife. Low value women just… exist.

Whenever questioned about this they’ll tell you “They have time”. Their favorite go-to’s are they might go back to school or are looking to start a business but they’re not sure yet what kind.



15 They need to be right all the time


There is no conflict resolution with low value women. They simply want to win at all costs, they will not fold when faced with facts. They’ll even tell you that they “have their own truth” – in their magical reality that they’ve built for themselves.

Because what they feel is more important than the truth, their empowerment becomes predatory in nature. Women no longer want to show any sign of weakness, and in their pursuit to be seen as without fault they are no longer willing to admit they are wrong.

They will argue and argue with you on the tiniest of details until you fold – not because you’re losing – but because you’re tired of arguing and want to move on. A successful life in a relationship or in business environments is one where you can play well with other players – yet you watch these reality shows where there’s always someone saying:

“I’M NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS, I’M HERE TO WIN” and they never do.

You haven’t learned anything. A powerful woman is one who is powerful individually and on a team. A low value woman on the other hand, is one that brings the average of the group down. Figure out who you want to be in life and make the changes necessary to get there.



You can be famous or rich and still be a low value woman


Notoriety doesn’t mean high value, the same way the “cash me outside girl” isn’t seen as graceful. Amber Heard is a great example of someone who’s extremely attractive, but the public perception has shifted based on the recent trials.

Once you have a low reputation, it takes tremendous effort to change that perception. Kim K is the most famous woman in the world right now, a billionaire, trying to become a lawyer, a family woman, an advocate for various causes.

Yet people still look at her past, unsure of where she fits, because they haven’t forgotten how she got her start or the marriages she went through.

Forget about these people and judge yourself based on your results, not your potential. If they’re not the one and the same, it’s time you close that gap!


That’s all folks!




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