Let me start by stating that his blog is NOT an indictment of large, fat, bbw, plump women at all.  I have dated a couple of bigger women and even had an amazing son with a bigger woman, many of you know.  I have also taken a few bigger ladies to bed, that we did not end up dating, but just enjoyed clean human fun…


Again, my blog here is not an admonishment of big women, it is something entirely different, so read and listen, before judging. The majority of large women are sweet, positive for the most part, experienced, empathetic and mostly loving women, who are by no means relatable to the wayward females in this article, in heart, mind, body, or spirit.



The male strip joints are OVERFLOWING with The unmotivated, uninterested, lazy of spirit, energy and heart… Fat 40’/50’s ran thru hags… I know it, you know it… We ALL know it. They know it as well…  These broads will wantonly seek the company and companionship of the simps and beta male orbiters of life, whom have lost their own way and mojo and have become low ambition bores… often alcoholic, abusive and also uninterested in just about everything except the next paycheck, cheap ass and a cheap drink. These types of low value males seek out these types of females, for easy pickings, and being lazy work to land. These types of women watch shows like, Teen Mom back to back and live vicariously thru it. These broads drink 3, 2 liter soda pops, BIG Gulp’s, gas station fountain drinks, a day or endless sugar filled beverages and snacks of any variety…  and feed their kids pepperoni Hot Pockets and such for breakfast before school. These types of chicks use the floorboard of their cars as landfills and keep everything in their purse but money.



I don’t like to knock anyone when they’re down, but as an early fifties guy I can confirm much of what was said in the video. Delusional, demanding, with little regard for what men want & yet still looking for guys well above their own grade. It’s almost funny.

30 is the beginning of the end. There is no question that many females in their 30s especially career ones, that stills look attractive will get a lot of bananas and sugar, eventually letting her shape, femininity, personality and health go out with the trash… And they rarely they will get Ken or Chad to commit to them anymore, as those dudes are aware that they can still get younger and better now. These chicks now over 30, not so attractive as they were in their 20’s… want a guy in shape, attractive, while they look like land whales, are bitter, resentful that they spent years turning down the good guys and don’t care about even acting like a female anymore. They often complain that there are no good men.  No… she just spent years, chasing so called bad boys and thrills and the good men were found by good women and went on to lives and families.

I am 51 years old and the single females out here, broken, bitter, pissed, lonely… over 40 are often divorced at least once, have kids by a handful of different males, trying to find themselves (a way), overweight and broke. Some of these women still think they are the prize and It’s sad. As the only males coming for them are the ones I mentioned at the beginning of this article.


“I’m 44 now. I will never be interested in women anywhere close to my age.”

“Wow…even at 50 they take zero accountability…Men will always win if they work on themselves.”

“I’d rather be broke and single than be tied down by this sack of potatoes.”

“38 overweight and asking for a buff guy. 🤣 Meanwhile it’s a big fella out there who would keep her warm at night yet she still chasing Chad 🤣🤣🤣. They never learn.”


A 35, 45, 50 year old woman that was smart married in her mid or late 20s. Once she turns 50 the kids are out of the nest, graduated from college into the real world. Meanwhile she is planning with hubby retirement, and traveling the world. However these are the only few smart women that plan out everything, not the ones that only plan how much fun she will have with Chad today.

“We don’t always have time to workout”. Meanwhile in reality.. 85% of weight is based upon diet.

I feel sorry for them, being lonely at late years seems horrible. However, it is mostly the result of their actions when they were in their 20s. And hopefully a good lesson for the current women in their 20s.

They yell and complain that; “There are no good MEN!” “Where are all the good MEN?”… But… the boy that got her pregnant looks like this:




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