It’s pretty simple really. In the new world, men have finally realized that modern women have nothing of importance to offer. At least, nothing that is important enough to risk your health, mental and financial stability and freedom.
How much cookie I got being nice: 0
How much cookie I got being an A-hole: 330+
Being nice is a waste of time and considerably more of an effort.
Being an A-hole is effortless and quite fun. 😃😃 I haven’t pursued anyone since high school, and I’ve never forgot how good I am at it. Yes, I enjoyed being a husband and with 1 woman for 15 years, but I will never pursue, make a 1st move and I have and will continue to do just fine!
And any sensible woman knows that in todays world. If she doesn’t want to own the single status until she hits that wall around 30ish… She better be willing and able to make a 1st move at a dude, deal with rejection like us men have since birth and bring something to the table. After all, y’all are “strong and independent” now, lol! Welcome to the club! 😉🍆💪🤠
#alphalife #savage #cheekslayers
Women want a traditional man but they aren’t being traditional to their roles and they expect man to do everything, hypocrisy at it’s peak

These troubled females love to brag about being “strong & independent” 24/7 So be independent elsewhere. There are tons of needy, bet males in the world. Desperate for a chance at your box and to buy you the moon just for spending time with them. Now true, they are beta males, so they are feminine, narcissistic, controlling fools, who won’t think twice about suffering with a masculine woman.

If they really want a man, they should approach one, take him out, pay, and give him a good time. She’s strong & independent: when it comes to wait outside of a hotel room of a famous artist to hit it, they can pull out the red carpet; but when it comes to Mr. normal guy, he is looking at all these hurdles. TF outta here!! No MAN of value, dignity and self respect has got time for bullshit such as that anymore.
Especially when there is so much other available, younger, smarter and more feminine pussy in the world! I’d work on my health, my body, my education, a business, my career… being a better MAN of value and then bitches will come for me or whatever! Than to ever chase or pursue a cold, broken assed masculine hussy with self entitled nagging, drama, demanding, one sided expectations, et cetera.

Personally, I don’t look at women anymore… only ones that actually look feminine and like a female should anymore. , not even in their direction. I don’t hold doors open, I don’t help, I don’t talk to them, I don’t acknowledge their existence, I don’t date them, I am not on any dating app, I want nothing to do with them. My take on this is this. During the “purge”, that began in the early 80s (When feminism really started off) when troubled females ganged up on men to insult, ridicule, destroy, demean, cheat and steal. Proclaiming shit like; “I don’t need no man” talk, “If only all men died” talk, etc. on a daily basis.
No woman ever defended men, maybe there were a very very small handful of older women who saw what was coming tried to speak up but these modern, troubled, delusional females destroyed them too. No one ever helped men, no one ever talked to men, no one ever asked men, no one cared. All they wanted was men to keep paying for troubled, self entitled females. The government wanted men to keep paying for women’s programs, women’s studies , women this, woman that, and that in itself is okay and good. So now females are masculine… independent… don’t need dick, nor Man… Now however, you still expect us to walk up to you, male first moves, ask you out… fix your car, provide, protect, flatter you, flirt with you, call you, pay for everything! Where the fuck is the pussy, the femininity, the Godly woman?
These troubled females sit around waiting for money to fall on your lap? Because of what? What do you bring the table? Pussy is every where and cheaper and more feminine looking in appearance and mannerisms, to simply buy when needed!

They are never yours, it’s just your turn. And even when it is your turn, They are still entertaining multiple dicks!