Author name: BOOKER

Why You Will Never And Don’t Want To Find Your Soulmate And Why That’s a Good Thing

We define the “soulmate” as the one specific man or woman, with whom we can spend our lives with, go through thick and thin together, through better and worse. That flawless somebody who would never judge us, never criticize or hurt us, and would always stand by our side. Basically, the perfect human being, with

Why You Will Never And Don’t Want To Find Your Soulmate And Why That’s a Good Thing Read More »

How attractive was a black slave through the eyes of a white woman during the age of black slaves?

So… All things and history considered. White women were as much a slave of white men, as the slaves themselves were… Interesting things is, that with misogyny of today, inequality of women today narcisistic abuse of women today, so on and so on… Isn’t the white woman still very much still a slave of these

How attractive was a black slave through the eyes of a white woman during the age of black slaves? Read More »

Farewell, Have A Great Life   Saying goodbye is part of life. All of us go through it. As we get older, the list of people (and places, habits, etc.) we said goodbye to gets longer and longer. There are different kinds of farewells. Some are self-chosen, for instance when we quit a job. Some are forced upon us,

Farewell, Have A Great Life Read More »


Every woman in this video is telling the truth… Wayward females out here… If you don’t want to be treated like a hooker, believed to be one and respected on the same level as one. Stop trading box and cemetery mouth for favors, help and small change. And provide that dude allowing, tolerating and settling


Everything has a reason and place in time and in the story of our lives…

I think friendship breakups are so weird and “questionably” contrite, as we age since our reality, views and knowledge changes. And shared pathways of friendship or connection, often hit a permanent fork in the road. Thus people move on in life in different directions. This is just life and it is neither good, nor bad,

Everything has a reason and place in time and in the story of our lives… Read More »

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